Submission Guidelines

Manuscripts should be submitted only in electronic version, preferably in Word format as an email attachment to one of the following addresses:

Texts in English:

Textes en français: T

The cover page of the manuscript should include the author’s full name, affiliation, postal address, telephone number, and email address. If there are several authors, one should be identified as the corresponding author.

1. Peer review process:

  • Manuscripts must be prepared for blind review with no identifying information in the body of the text and must follow the journal styles as described below depending on the language used.

  • After an initial screening, each article will be sent to two qualified reviewers. For some issues the editors will invite articles by specialists in the field, which, if accepted, will be clearly identified as “invited.”

2. Character limit:

  • Submissions (including notes, references, and spaces) should not exceed 60, 000 characters (+/- 9,000 words)

3. Abstract and key words:

  • A brief abstract in English (+/-900 characters including spaces or 150-200 words, Font 11 pt), and 5 keywords in English should be placed at the beginning of the paper.

4. Plagiarism:

  • By submitting an article the author acknowledges that the paper is original, has not been published elsewhere, and will not be under consideration for publication elsewhere until the journal has made a decision.

5. Submission Responses:

  • Responses to authors are expected to be within four months after submission.

6. Format:

  • Manuscripts and references should be submitted in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) in 12 point Times New Roman font (no PDF formats) with all margins of 1 inch (or 2,5 cm) and with a list of references at the end of the paper.

7. References:

Body of text citation:

References are indicated in the body of the text only using the “Author-Date system” with a list of references at the end of the paper. Ex.: (Smith 2006, 18–19.)

NB. En français, le point final en fin de citation est le cas échéant rejeté hors des guillemets et après la parenthèse de référence.

Ex.: «[…] de la phénoménologie» (Dupont 2008, 125).

“Works Cited” (Bibliographie) at the end with complete references:

  • [For books] Last Name, First Name. Year. Title in italics. Town: Publisher, Year. If two authors or more: Last Name 1, First Name 1, and First Name 2 Last Name 2, Title. Town: Publisher, Year.

  • [For Chapters in Books] Last Name, First Name. Year. “Title,” in Title of the book in italics, ed. First name, Last Name. Town: Publisher, inclusive page numbers.

Nom, Prénom. Année. « Titre », in Titre de l’ouvrage, dir. Prénom Nom. Ville: Édition, première page-dernière page.

  • [For Journal article] Last name, first name. Year. “Title,” Journal Title in italics Volume (Issue Number): inclusive page numbers. Ex. Smith, John, 2023. “Husserl’s Phenomenology of Game,” Études phénoménologiques — Phenomenological Studies 8 (16): 25-38.

Nom, Prénom. Année. «Titre», Nom de la revue en italiques volume (numéro): 1ère page–dernière page. Ex. Dupont, Jean, 2025. «La phénoménologie du climat», Revue philosophique de Louvain 123 (2): 148-169.

If there are several works by the same author, they should be listed in chronological order.

  • Several works by the same author published in the same year are listed as follows:

Smith, John Paul. 2002a. Title 1.

—. 2002b. Title 2. Etc.

  • For more details and examples see the Chicago Manual of Style.

  • Standard abbreviations (such as Hua for the Husserliana series, GA for Heidegger’s Gesamtausgabe) should be listed at the beginning of the list of Works Cited/Bibliographie.

8. Quotations and quotation marks:

  • If the quotation is more than 4 lines long: Block quotation, Font 11 pt. without quotation marks

    Paragraph: Indent left text ½ inch / 1 cm. Spacing before 6 pt. Spacing after 6 pt.

  • A quotation in the body of the text that includes a full sentence starts with a capital letter.

Ex. in English: He wrote: "A black bird is flying off."

Ex. en français: Il écrivit: « Un merle s'envole »

  • Quotation marks in English:

Quotation: “[...]”

Quotation inside another quotation: “[...]‘[...]’ [...]”

  • En français:

Citation: « [...] » (guillemets typographiques)

Citation dans une citation: « [...]“[...]”[...] » (guillemets anglais à l’intérieur des guillemets typographiques)

9. Footnotes:

  • Font 10 pt